Workshop in Hay On Wye at the Hay Festival

Along with the commission to produce banners for the Hay festival we were also asked to create a workshop for children at the Hay festival and Today has been all about the children’s workshop which was really good.  The workshop was to teach children all about collage and for them to be imaginative just like […]

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Hay Festival

For the Hay Festival we were asked to produce a piece of art celebrating Shakespeare’s quote.  Last Tuesday we went to the Hay Festival to put the Vinyls of our work up. This was very difficult because the image was so long. This posed a problem because every time the man helping to put it […]

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Final ideas

Here are my final ideas.  I think they look great and do the job well. I love the bright colours as they are fun and have life and make the quote a lot less dull. And sad

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Here is some letterpress linked to the quote but although it is nice and bright it is not working to appear in my final piece because the ink is Holley.  

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Hay Festival

For the competition and commission part of the project we were asked to produce some work for the hay festival. We were asked to create a piece of quite illustrating one of Shakespears quotes. I have decided on the quote “stars hide your fires let not light see my deep and dark desires and I […]

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