Here is just to show my progression on the ticket front and I think that it is starting to develop really well. I especially love the colour and collage effect. I think that I will carry on with this method as it seems to be working a treat.  I think the idea of separate tickets […]



I have decided to look into different ways of making tickets. The idea behind this is that it is something that can be physically held, therefore making in interactive. The page above is just a little snapshot of my sketchbook around the idea of ticket making. Here I have attempted making tickets in different approaches. […]

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Formative assessment post!

For my project, I have had to conduct a lot of research so that it would be able to work. For example, I have had to look into book bands and different ages of children and their development so that I can make a successful book.  I have also visited the zoo for a first-hand […]

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