Eric Carle

Throughout this project, I have found Eric Carle to be extremely insightful as his work portrays such fun and colour which I really do enjoy seeing!HE has inspired me to continue with the college idea from my L5 work and I think that he has played a major role in my work so far this year, […]

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Enjoy the Ride!

My next quote is Enjoy the ride. Originally I wanted to do this quote because it was all about transport and paths and everything and I wanted all my pieces to connect in a way. I found this fair hard to get on with straight away and I really had to keep pushing through to get anywhere […]

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Make your Own Path!

This whole brief really stumped me for quite some time and I wasn’t sure where to go so I made a spider diagram of all my different ideas and just went  from there, I started off with the idea of going over bridges and tightropes and everything but once I had actually made an illustration […]

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Final animals for the SKP!

Here are my final animals all made up of different seasonal patterns! I am really pleased with them all and now they all need to go inside the sketchbook which is really exciting. I love how much both Eric Carle and Mark Hearld have influenced my work and I feel that they certainly have personality not, […]

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I have tried to make some winter scenes and cut them out but they just were not looking great so  I have decided to go with one element of winter for the time being! At this point, It is all about the snowdrops so I have made a little collection of snowdrops and then dropped them […]

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