Oliver Jeffers

Illustrating these pieces of advice/ life lessons is actually really difficult so I have decided to look at Oliver Jeffers for some inspiration. His work is simple yet effective and I think this is where I want to head with my work, in some respects, the only difference is that I would like to use textures! […]

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Mark Hearld

After being introduced to Marks word I have fallen in love with it I love all the texture in the image and the colours on the black look gorgeous. which really makes the orange of the fox pop. I also love how the fox is almost camouflaged amongst all the leaves around him, which makes […]

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Edward Ardizzone

 Although Edwards Style isn’t usually what I would choose to look at myself I feel that he is a really helpful man to look at, this being because of how he stages his work, as if it is a play, therefore this will help me to understand how I should try and set mine out, but […]

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Plans are Changing!

I have decided to go away from the idea of a map inside a book idea because I think that it is far too complex for the time that I have for the project instead I am going with animals in the woodlands throughout the seasons picking up from where I left off before my tangent. […]

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Illustrated maps!

I have decided that I really need to look into illustrated maps and how they work, e.g do they have something in common that could help inform my map within my book. For my piece, I am aiming to have sort of map but to walk through the woodlands map throughout the seasons, which is […]

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Adobe Brief!

For my self initiated project I have decided to do the adobe brief which is to create 3 illustrations giving advice, the pieces of advice that I wish to tell are as follows, If you don’t take the journey you will never reach your destination, make your own path and enjoy the ride, I hope to have these […]

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Woodland Friends!

I have been working really hard recently and I feel that this has really paid off at this point as these are some woodland creatures that I made today! I think they look amazing and I am really proud of them. I would like then to play a massive part in my sketchbook project by […]

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